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Health Equity

Being as healthy as possible is about more than our diet, exercise and access to a healthcare system when we need it. In fact, health is largely affected by our environment – where we are born, live, grow, learn, work, play and age – and by the social and economic systems that govern our society. In other words, much of our health is the result of conditions outside of our control. These conditions are called the social determinants of health (SDH). 

Social Determinants of Health

SDH have an impact on people’s opportunities in society, such as our income, education or employment. SDH includes the discrimination we may face based on ability, age, body size, culture, ethnicity, family status, gender, language, race, religion, sex, social class, or socio-economic status. Experiences of discrimination, racism, violence and historical trauma are especially important SDH for groups such as Indigenous Peoples, 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, newcomers, and Black Canadians.

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Advancing health equity

Health equity is a public health approach that aims to change the conditions that stop people from being able to achieve their best possible health. HPPH uses the Ontario Ministry of Health’s Health Equity Guideline to inform our local health equity work. 

Using a health equity approach, HPPH and our community partners work together to improve social, economic, environmental and health systems in Huron and Perth. 

Health equity initiatives

HPPH is currently reviewing the LEEP initiative. We will provide an update in 2025.

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