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Food and Nutrition

Healthy eating is enjoying a variety of foods. It looks different from person to person.

Part of enjoying eating is selecting foods that reflect your preferences. Your preferences and eating habits can be shaped by many things, including culture and food traditions, health conditions, and your budget.

Healthy eating is also being mindful of your eating habits. It’s about taking time to eat and noticing when you are hungry or full.

You can make healthy eating easier by planning what you eat. Canada's Food Guide is a helpful tool to help you choose foods and learn more about healthy eating.

  • Canada's Food Guide | sets out Health Canada's guidelines and considerations on healthy eating.
  • Eating competence | Registered Dietitian and Family Therapist Ellyn Satter outlines how to find peace and joy when it comes to food and eating.
  • Health811 | residents of Ontario can connect with a Registered Dietitian to access free nutrition information and advice by calling 8-1-1 or starting an online chat.
  • Intuitive eating: a revolutionary anti-diet approach | this book by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch is about rebuilding a healthy body image and making peace with food. It is available at local libraries. 
  • | find information on nutrition, food and healthy eating from Dietitians of Canada, plus recipes, videos and interactive tools.
  • What is normal eating? | Registered Dietitian and Family Therapist Ellyn Satter outlines what a healthy relationship with food looks like. 

Huron Perth Public Health employs registered dietitians and public health nutritionists who work with community partners such as schools, workplaces, and children’s services to:

  • Assess and report on food affordability and the nutritional health of our communities.
  • Inform policies and environments that support healthy eating behaviours.
  • Reduce weight stigma and create weight inclusive communities and organizations.
  • Address household food insecurity
  • Implement food literacy programs.

We do not provide individual nutrition counselling services. Contact your healthcare provider for referral to a local community registered dietitian or contact Health811. Residents of Ontario can connect with a Registered Dietitian to access information and advice by calling 8-1-1 or starting an online chat.

If you would like more information about any of our nutritional support programs, email us or call 1-888-221-2133 ext. 3578.

Contact Us

Huron Perth Public Health

Huron Office
77722B London Road, RR #5, Clinton, ON
N0M 1L0

Perth Office
653 West Gore St., Stratford ON N5A 1L4
Toll-free 1-888-221-2133

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