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Tobacco and Vaping Product Retailers

The Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 regulates the sale, supply, display, promotion and use of tobacco and vapour products and the smoking and vaping of cannabis.

Tobacco and vapour products cannot be displayed in a store and cannot be sold to anyone under the age of 19. Also, tobacco products and accessories cannot be promoted through the display of tobacco branding. 

As a store owner, you must:

  • Ensure your store complies with the law
  • Be diligent in training all staff on their legal responsibilities
  • Ensure applicable signs are posted in accordance with the legislation

At Huron Perth Public Health, tobacco enforcement officers conduct inspections to ensure all regulations outlined in the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 are followed. If your store is convicted of two or more offences in a five-year period, the store may be prohibited from selling tobacco products for up to one year.

Review the Government of Ontario Rules for selling tobacco and vapour products. This includes age restrictions, signage requirements and other laws.

A specialty vape store primarily sells vapour products. Review the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 How the Act Affects: Specialty Vape Stores [PDF]. The store must be registered with the local public health unit and:

  • At least 85% of the establishment’s total sales from the previous twelve months must be from vapour products.
    • If the establishment has been in operation for less than one year, at least 85% of the establishment’s total inventory purchases or total sales for the time it has been in existence must consist of vapour products 
  • The remaining sales or inventory must be from other items reasonably associated with a vapour product or branded with the name of the specialty vape store or a brand of vapour product.

To register a specialty vape store in Huron Perth with Huron Perth Public Health:

  1. Review the provincial Guidelines for registration as a specialty vape store 
  2. Complete the Application for Registration as a Specialty Vape Store [PDF] 

Submit the application to Huron Perth Public Health by mail or email

Note: the Statement of Professional Accountant section of the application form must be completed by a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) or CPA firm.

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